Elemental Attributes
Elemental Attributes
Every Elemental Card first minted has a mechanism to randomly generate the 6 variable attributes based on a pre-defined probability. The same mechanism is used to generate the attributes of a new card when fusing or when evolving. The critical rate attribute and the base variation attack rate have a fixed percentage for each card level. The 8 attributes of an elemental card are:
Base Attack
Number of spells
Weakness against other elements
Strength against other elements
Element Bonus (Increases attack according to the number of elements your elemental has)
Critical rate attribute (increases 2x of the spell attack damage)
Base variation attack rate: 3% (ammount of variation that the attack deviate from the final attack rate)
The probabilities of each attibutes by level are the following: Common
HP: [100=50% / 115=35% / 130=10% / 145=5%] Base attack: [3=80% / 4=15% / 5=5%] Spells: 1-3 [1=80% / 2=19% / 3=1%] Weakness: [50%=60% / 47.5%=30% / 45%=10%] less attack Strength: [25%=60% / 27.5%=30% / 30%=10%] more attack Element bonus: [2=5%=80% / 3=6%=15% / 4=7%=5%] Chance of critical damage: [0.5%=60% / 0.75%=30% / 1%=10%] Uncommon
HP: [130=50% / 150=35% / 170=10% / 190=5%] BA: [4=50% / 5.25=35% / 6.50=10% / 7.75=5%] Spells: 1-3 [1=60%] [2=30%] [3=10%] Weakness: [47.5%=60% / 45%=30% / 42.5%=10%] less attack Strength: [27.5%=60% / 30%=30% / 32.5%=10%] more attack Element Bonus: [2=6%=80% / 3=7%=15% / 4=8%=5%] Chance of critical damage: [0.75%=60% / 1%=30% / 1.25%=10%] Rare
HP: [170=50% / 195=35% / 220=10% / 245=5%] BA: [6.50=50%/8=35%/9.5=10%/11=5%] Spells: 2-4 [2=80%] [3=15%] [4=5%] Weakness: [45%=60%/42.5%=30%/40%=10%] less attack Strength: [30%=60%/32.5%=30%/35%=10%] more attack Element Bonus: [2=7%=80%/3=8%=15%/4=9%=5%] Chance of critical damage: [1%=60% / 1.25%=30% / 1.5%=10%]
HP: [220=50%/250=35%/280=10%/310=5%] Base Attack: [9.5=50%/11.5=35%/13.5=10%/15.5=5%] Spells: 2-5 [2=50%] [3=35%] [4=10%][5=5%] Weakness: [42.5%=60%/40%=30%/37.5=10%] less attack Strength: [32.5%=60%/35%=30%/37.5%=10%] more attack Element Bonus: [2=8%=80%/3=9%=15%/4=10%=5%] Chance of critical damage: [1.25%=60% / 1.5%=30% / 1.75%=10%] Legendary
HP: [280=40%/330=30%/380=15%/430=10%/480=5%] Base Attack: [13.5=50%/15.75=35%/18=10%/20.25=5%] Spells: 3-5 [3=40%] [4=35%] [5=25%] Weakness: [40%=60%/37.5%=30%/35%=10%] less attack Strength: [35%=60%/37.5%=30%/40%=10%] more attack Fusion Bonus: [2=9%=80%/3=10%=15%/4=11%=5%] Chance of critical damage: [1.5%=60% / 1.75%=30% / 2% =10%]
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